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TV Anime (26 eps) Nippon Animation MBS
Spring 1981

Ai no Gakko Cuore Monogatari

Enrico Bottini attends a boy's school in 19th century Turin, Italy. As the boys go though the struggles of early adolescence, a virtuous teacher guides them with honorable and heart-warming stories to give them inspiration. After experiencing both hard times and good times with their friends and family, the boys learn what is most important of all: to love others...

OP: Quore Monogatari by Eri Takeda
ED: White Diary by Eri Takeda

Availability: English Fansubs 26eps(100%) by OldCastle
This series has also been dubbed into several localizations including Italian, French, Spanish and Polish.

Related Media
Cuore, Libro per i Ragazzi (1886 Italian Novel)